PROTECTING THE EARTh that gave us cannabis
Whenever you shop at Voltaire, you’ll enjoy the highest-quality cannabis... But you'll also be supporting the fight against climate change, as ___% of proceeds from EVERY purchase will fund organizations working on:
Fighting climate disinformation.
Cutting-edge research on the best methods to lower our global footprint as quickly and economically as possible.
Methods for increasing environmental sustainability throughout the world.
Challenges with environmental sustainability can be seen in any industry, which is why it’s our responsibility to lead by example and change the status quo!
it’s not just about what we sell, but how we sell it and how that impacts the environment along the way. We’re constantly auditing our practices to identify new ways to improve, while partnering with consultants to find eco-driven solutions to lighten our footprint wherever possible.
We've also identified employees to serve as experts on our "Sustainability Task Force". Through data collection, reporting, and tracking, this group will recommend new policies and procedures to help reduce our environmental impact as we forge ahead.