Whenever you shop at The Holistic Centre, you’ll enjoy the highest-quality cannabis...
But you'll also be supporting social justice reform, as ___% of proceeds from EVERY purchase will fund organizations working on:
Ending the prohibition of cannabis.
Helping minorities in prison for a cannabis related crime get out of jail and expunge their records.
Removing the societal barriers associated with cannabis.
Creating pathways for minorities with a record to have a successful post-incarceration future.
Making it easier for minorities to vote.

Through strategic partnerships, we will use our platform to elevate the brands of underrepresented leaders in order to amplify and empower the voices behind them—building connections that will expand far beyond any single market.
Unlike most companies, we take our corporate and social responsibilities seriously! It’s our responsibility to use our leadership for good! We understand the importance of a company culture that encourages diversity, embraces reflection, and strives to rectify the historical missteps of our country (particularly the "war on drugs"), many of which sadly continue to today. That means we’re working to increase economic opportunities for folks within historically disadvantaged communities, while supporting organizations that tackle current social issues, like fighting for criminal justice reform.

& Operated
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Prejudices are what fools use for reason
- Voltaire